Head on: how Victorian nurses and midwives confronted COVID
In March 2023, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) invited members to share their stories of working through the COVID-19 pandemic. Many did, and Head on: how Victorian nurses and midwives confronted COVID is the result.
The website headon.anmfvic.asn.au comprises ninety-four stories. Seventy-six of these stories are published in Head on — a beautifully produced hardcover book that captures forever the courage, creativity and commitment of Victoria’s nurses and midwives as they met this unprecedented challenge.
Dimensions: 326-page hardcover book, 19.6cm x 25.6cm
Publisher: Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch)
Curated and edited by Jessie Byrne and Yvonne Kelley
Publication designed by Multiple Studio
ISBN: 978-0-6482107-0-2
Price: $40 (including postage)